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Quotes from AW Pink

But so long as we are occupied with any other object than God Himself, there will be neither rest for the heart nor peace for the mind. But when we receive all that enters our lives as from His hand, then, no matter what may be our circumstances or surroundings—whether in a hovel, a prison-dungeon, or a martyr's stake—we shall be enabled to say, "The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places" (Ps. 16:6).
- AW Pink
God is sovereign in the bestowment of His gifts, both in the natural and in the spiritual realms.
- AW Pink
There is infinitely more power lodged in the nature of God than is expressed in all His works.
- AW Pink
Finally, the perpetuity of the Law appears in God's writing it in the hearts of His people at their new birth.
- AW Pink
Just as a blind man may, through labor and diligence, acquire an accurate theoretical or notional conception of many subjects and objects which he never saw, so the natural man may, by religious education and personal effort, obtain a sound doctrinal knowledge of the person and work of Christ, without having any spiritual or vital acquaintance with Him.
- AW Pink
the potter forms his vessels for himself. Let man strive with his Maker as he will, the fact remains that he is nothing more than clay in the Heavenly Potter's hands, and while we know that God will deal justly with His creatures, that the Judge of all the earth will do right, nevertheless, He shapes His vessels for His own purpose and according to His own pleasure.
- AW Pink
What was there in me that could merit esteem,   Or give the Creator delight? 'Twas even so, Father, I ever must sing,   Because it seemed good, in Thy sight.
- AW Pink
God's decrees are called His "counsel" to signify they are consummately wise. They are called God's "will" to show He was under no control, but acted according to His own pleasure.
- AW Pink
Until we really behold the horror of the pit in which by nature we lie, we can never properly appreciate Christ's so-great salvation.
- AW Pink
In conclusion, we would say that in forming Pharaoh God displayed neither justice nor injustice, but only His bare sovereignty.
- AW Pink
The God of Scripture is no make-believe monarch, no mere imaginary sovereign, but King of kings, and Lord of lords.
- AW Pink
A remnant according to the election of grace," signifies an unconditional choice resulting from the sovereign favor of God; in a word, it is absolutely a gratuitous election.
- AW Pink