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Quotes from Joseph Campbell

Die Gesellschaft stellt eifersüchtig denen nach, die sich von ihr ausschließen, und wird kommen und an die Pforte pochen.
- Joseph Campbell
In the Old Testament story God points out the one forbidden thing. Now, God must have known very well that man was going to eat the forbidden fruit. But it was by doing that that man became the initiator of his own life. Life really began with that act of disobedience.
- Joseph Campbell
You changed the definition of a myth from the search for meaning to the experience of meaning. CAMPBELL: Experience of life.
- Joseph Campbell
Yes. What you have here is what might be translated into raw individualism, you see, if you didn't realize that the center was also right there facing you in the other person. This is the mythological way of being an individual. You are the central mountain, and the central mountain is everywhere.
- Joseph Campbell
For then alone do we know God truly," writes Saint Thomas Aquinas, "when we believe that He is far above all that man can possibly think of God."[33] And
- Joseph Campbell
If you are going to have a story, have a big story, or none at all.
- Joseph Campbell
Woman, in the picture language of mythology, represents the totality of what can be known. The hero is the one who comes to know.
- Joseph Campbell
It is by means of our own victories, if we are not regenerated, that the work of Nemesis is wrought: doom breaks from the shell of our very virtue.
- Joseph Campbell
Giving birth is definitely a heroic deed, in that it is the giving over of oneself to the life of another.
- Joseph Campbell
From the standpoint of the Olympians, eon after eon of earthly history rolls by, revealing ever the harmonious form of the total round, so that where men see only change and death, the blessed behold immutable form, world without end. But now the problem is to maintain this cosmic standpoint in the face of an immediate earthly pain or joy.
- Joseph Campbell
Apparently the most permanent of the dispositions of the human psyche are those that derive from the fact that, of all animals, we remain the longest at the mother breast.
- Joseph Campbell
The adventure of the hero represents the moment in his life when he achieved illumination - the nuclear moment when, while still alive, he found and opened the road to the light beyond the dark walls of our living death
- Joseph Campbell