Quotes from Joseph Addison
That courage which arises from the sense of our duty, and from the fear of offending Him that made us, acts always in a uniform manner, and according to the dictates of right reason.
- Joseph Addison
Oh, Liberty! thou goddess heavenly bright! Profuse of bliss, and pregnant with delight! Eternal pleasures in thy presence reign, And smiling plenty leads thy wanton train.
- Joseph Addison
Talking with a friend is nothing else but thinking aloud.
- Joseph Addison
Justice discards party, friendship, kindred, and is always, therefore, represented as blind.
- Joseph Addison
True happiness ... arises in the first place from the enjoyment of one's self and in the next from the friendship and conversation of a few select companions.
- Joseph Addison
What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. These are but trifles, to be sure; but, scattered along lifes pathway, the good they do is inconceivable.
- Joseph Addison
Sunday clears away the rust of the whole week.
- Joseph Addison
It is the privilege of posterity to set matters right between those antagonists who, by their rivalry for greatness, divided a whole age.
- Joseph Addison
When love once pleads admission to our hearts, In spite of all the virtue we can boast, The woman that deliberates is lost.
- Joseph Addison
The grand essential to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.
- Joseph Addison
The friendships of the world are oft confederacies in vice, or leagues of pleasures.
- Joseph Addison
Friendship improves happiness, and abates misery, by doubling our joys, and dividing our grief.
- Joseph Addison