Quotes from Joni Eareckson Tada
You, my friend, are society. So welcome to the club of community, and even though some may try to drown out other styles of discourse with shouts about personal rights, the community may have a thing or two to say, and it may say it a lot louder. After all, community can only progress when its individuals exercise higher moral choices, and community is sacrificed when individuals choose with only themselves in mind.
- Joni Eareckson Tada
Suffering doesn't teach you about yourself from a textbook—it teaches you from experience. It empties you so that by faith you can be filled with His Spirit.
- Joni Eareckson Tada
When suffering hits us broadside, it's bound to shake our faith a little—just as if we were driving across a high bridge in a compact car and got hit by a great gust of wind. You have to make sure you have both hands on the wheel! But trials are also meant to waken us to the truth of Daniel 11:32 (ESV), where it says, "The people who know their God shall stand firm and take action.
- Joni Eareckson Tada
The truth is, in this world it's a 100 percent guarantee that we will suffer. But at the same time, Jesus Christ is 100 percent certain to meet us, encourage us, comfort us, grace us with strength and perseverance, and yes, even restore joy in our lives. Your Savior is 100 percent certain to be with you through every challenge.
- Joni Eareckson Tada
Any complaints, any grumblings, any disputings or murmurings, any anxieties, any worries, any resentments or anything that hints of a raging torrent of bitterness--these are the things God calls me to die to daily.
- Joni Eareckson Tada
Steve introduced me to the process of putting God's Word into practice, of acting on His promises and commands. I would read something in the Bible and consciously say, "This is God's will." Intellectually, I understood the meaning of it. Emotionally, I had to put this new truth to the test, to prove it by my own will. "Yes, this is God's will," adding, "for me.
- Joni Eareckson Tada
When our motivation to obey becomes an oppressive pressure to do the right thing, to do what's expected of us as Christians, then it breeds serious problems. Obedience that is only seen as rule-keeping ruins the love relationship between us and the Lord. Why? Even though the rules may be biblically based, we will end up obeying them rather than God. Concern with the letter of the law will cause us to lose the spirit of love.
- Joni Eareckson Tada
But there's something earthy about my response to God that further sickens Satan. I believe he views disabilities as his last great stronghold to defame the good character of God. Suffering is that last frontier he exploits to smear God's trustworthiness.
- Joni Eareckson Tada
Why do some people gravitate to a sentimental picture? Well, think about it: A sugar-coated Christ requires nothing from us—neither conviction nor commitment. Why? Because it's an image that lacks truth and power. We have to try to change that picture. And the only way to do it is to think about the resurrection.
- Joni Eareckson Tada
But these days, these warfare days, those old images just don't cut it for me. I need a battlefield Jesus at my side down here in the dangerous, often messy trenches of daily life. I need Jesus the rescuer, ready to wade through pain, death, and hell itself to find me, grasp my hand, and bring me safely through.
- Joni Eareckson Tada
I need a battlefield Jesus at my side down here in the dangerous, often messy trenches of daily life. I need Jesus the rescuer, ready to wade through pain, death, and hell itself to find me, grasp my hand, and bring me safely through.
- Joni Eareckson Tada
However, evil is not uncontrolled. Because God reigns over all (Ps. 103:19), nothing happens outside of God's control and plans. Even if we can't grasp it this side of eternity, our sufferings have a place in God's plans. Because even our sufferings fit into God's plans, we don't suffer in vain. Our sufferings have meaning because God uses them for his purposes.
- Joni Eareckson Tada