Quotes from Dutch Sheets
Dutch evangelist Corrie ten Boom said, "It's a poor soldier indeed who does not recognize the enemy." The key to victory in both natural and spiritual warfare is to clearly identify the enemy, and to understand his character and methods.
- Dutch Sheets
Refuse to become a hopeless victim. God wants to heal your heart, fill you with the power of hope, and cause you to be bold in Him. Hope-killing giants look small when measured against Him.
- Dutch Sheets
A good soldier is a well-informed soldier concerning his enemy. Be infatuated with and in awe of Jesus. Be aware of the enemy. Love worship, not warfare; but when necessary, go to war. And post the sentries!
- Dutch Sheets
But as for me, the nearness of God is my good; I have made the Lord God my refuge, that I may tell of all Thy works.
- Dutch Sheets
To the degree we are ignorant of the way our adversary thinks and operates—of his plans, plots, schemes and devices—to that degree he will gain on us, prey on us, defraud us of what is ours and have or hold the greater portion.
- Dutch Sheets
As you spend time with God, you'll begin to think like Him, which will allow you to pray according to His heart and will.
- Dutch Sheets
We must boldly release the power of the Most High into situations, allowing the victory of Christ access. He has given us His light, He has given us His sword, He has given us His name. Use them!
- Dutch Sheets
God is never so preoccupied that He is not really listening to you.
- Dutch Sheets
In seasons of harvest, there is a more urgent need for watchmen, as the "thief" is going to do all he can to steal it, keeping the greater portion. It is little wonder that God has preceded the greatest harvest of souls the world has ever known— which is now happening— with the greatest prayer awakening in history. The Lord of the harvest is wise. I can assure you He has 24- hour sentries "watching" the harvest.
- Dutch Sheets
God is eavesdropping on us, waiting for us to speak a few words to Him.
- Dutch Sheets