Quotes from John Maxwell
Those who follow the crowd will never be followed by a crowd.
- John Maxwell
You must think of people before you try to achieve progress. To do that as a permissional leader, you must exhibit a consistent mood, maintain an optimistic attitude, possess a listening ear, and present to others your authentic self.
- John Maxwell
I want to learn about their organizational culture and values.
- John Maxwell
Charles "Tremendous" Jones said that the only difference between who you are today and the person you will be in five years will come from the books you read and the people you associate with.
- John Maxwell
The longest distance between two points is a shortcut." That's really true. For everything of value in life, you pay a price.
- John Maxwell
God always gives back to us when we give to Him. He does not promise to give back in kind... But God always gives back in some way. You cannot out-give God.
- John Maxwell
Passion gives you energy.
- John Maxwell
Thinking is hard work; that's why so few do it.
- John Maxwell
The truth is that empowerment is powerful—not only for the person being developed, but also for the mentor. Enlarging others makes you larger. It is an impact you can experience as a leader as long as you are willing to believe in people and give your power away.
- John Maxwell
If you do not connect with others, influence is out of the question.
- John Maxwell
People can perceive a lot in seven seconds. They can decide that they do not want to hear anything a speaker has to say
- John Maxwell
We've all heard the old cliché God moves in mysterious ways. It's probably more accurate to say that God specializes in surprising us. A God-surprise... - is unexpected and unexplainable, - disrupts the status quo, - turns the ordinary into the spectacular, - shows you how much bigger God is than what you have known or seen, - changes your expectations and your destiny, and - leaves no room for doubt-- God is God.
- John Maxwell