Quotes from John Maxwell
The question is not, "Will my calendar be full?" but "Who will fill my calendar?" If we are leaders of others, the question is not, "Will I see people?" but "Who will I see?"
- John Maxwell
The solution is to develop a bias for action. Don't think, Can I? Instead think, How can I?
- John Maxwell
If you want to be productive, you should try to learn to get joy from what gives the greatest return and discipline yourself to do those things.
- John Maxwell
Willing to pay the price to be a perpetual learner.
- John Maxwell
Pragmatism allows a person to take things that others would consider problems or distractions and see them as opportunities.
- John Maxwell
Authors Carole Hyatt and Linda Gottlieb indicate that people who fail on the job commonly cite "office politics" as the reason for their failures, but the reality is that what they call politics is often nothing more than regular interaction with other people.
- John Maxwell
We should work on changing ourselves before trying to improve others. A great danger to good leadership is the temptation to try to change others without first making changes to yourself.
- John Maxwell
We don't get to pick our talents or IQ. But we do choose our character. In fact, we create it every time we make choices—to cop out or dig out of a hard situation, to bend the truth or stand under the weight of it, to take the easy money or pay the price.
- John Maxwell
If you run well but are unable to pass the baton to another runner, you lose the race.
- John Maxwell
There is no future in any job. The future lies in the man who holds the job.
- John Maxwell
Realize that the guys who criticize will minimize the guys whose enterprise rises above the guys who criticize and minimize.
- John Maxwell
How does one "catch' leadership? By watching good leaders in action!
- John Maxwell