Quotes from John Maxwell
People must have affirmation and praise in order to maintain a high level of performance. Withholding negative or critical comments is not nearly as important as giving positive input through compliments and praise.
- John Maxwell
People don't function like machines. They have feelings. They think. They have problems, hopes, and dreams. Though people can be managed, they would much rather be led. And when they are led, they perform at a much higher level.
- John Maxwell
One of the best applications of this idea is expressed in what I call the 101 percent principle: Find the one thing that you believe is the potential leader's greatest asset, and then give 101 percent encouragement in that area. Focusing on a person's strengths promotes positive growth, confidence, and success as a potential leader.
- John Maxwell
Discouraged? Don't be, for the one thing that really matters, lasts forever—your friendships. Life is too long to spend it with people who pull you in the wrong direction. And it's too short not to invest in others. Your relationships will define you. And they will influence your talent—one way or the other. Choose wisely. —
- John Maxwell
Encouragement is oxygen to the soul. Good work can never be expected from a worker without encouragement. No one can ever have lived without it.
- John Maxwell
As a leader, my goal is to help people, not make them happy.
- John Maxwell
The attitude of the leader, coupled with a positive atmosphere in the organization, can encourage people to accomplish great things.
- John Maxwell
Psychologist and New York Times best-selling author Phil McGraw states, "I always say that the most important relationship you will ever have is with yourself. You've got to be your own best friend first." How can you be "best friends" with someone you don't know or don't like? You can't. That's why it's so important to find out who you are and work to become someone you like and respect.
- John Maxwell
Leadership is more than management. Leadership is: People more than projects. Movement more than maintenance. Art more than science. Intuition more than formula. Vision more than procedure. Risk more than caution. Action more than reaction. Relationships more than rules. Who you are more than what you do If you want to influence others, then you must learn to lead.
- John Maxwell
Think the best, believe the best, and express the best in others.
- John Maxwell
As you start your day, are you wondering what you will reap, or are you wondering what you will sow?
- John Maxwell
Success always comes at a price. That is a lesson I learned a long time ago. My father taught me that a person can pay now and play later, or he can play now and pay later. Either way, he is going to pay.
- John Maxwell