Quotes from John Maxwell
I may not be able to change the world I see around me, but I can change what I see within me.
- John Maxwell
A forgiving spirit is the one basic, necessary ingredient for a solid relationship.
- John Maxwell
One of the quickest ways to gain credibility with an individual, a group, or an audience is to borrow it from someone who already has credibility with them.
- John Maxwell
People don't want to be managed. They want to be led. Whoever heard of a world manager? World leader, yes. Education leader, yes. Political leader. Religious leader. Scout leader. Community leader. Labor leader. Business leader. Yes. They lead.
- John Maxwell
Achievement comes from the habit of good thinking.
- John Maxwell
if you want people to act right toward you, you act right toward them. And many times you'll change them.
- John Maxwell
You cannot separate your identity from your perspective. All that you are and every experience you've had color how you see things. It is your lens.
- John Maxwell
The way people see others is a reflection of themselves: If I am a trusting person, I will see others as trustworthy. If I am a critical person, I will see others as critical. If I am a caring person, I will see others as compassionate. If you change yourself and become the kind of person you desire to be, you will begin to view others in a whole new light. And that will change the way you interact in all of your relationships.
- John Maxwell
Learn as if you were to live forever; live as if you were to die tomorrow.
- John Maxwell
to act on what you learn is all that really matters.
- John Maxwell
Treat them as if they are important; they will respond according to the way that you perceive them.
- John Maxwell
Four Unpardonable Sins of a Communicator": being unprepared, uncommitted, uninteresting, or uncomfortable.
- John Maxwell