Quotes from John Maxwell
The unfortunate truth is that many of us, instead of offering total forgiveness, pray something like this Irish Prayer: May those who love us, love us; And those who don't love us May God turn their hearts; And if He doesn't turn their hearts, May He turn their ankles, So we'll know them by their limping.
- John Maxwell
There's no such thing as business ethics—there's only ethics.
- John Maxwell
The more you do to go beyond words, the greater the chance you will connect with people.
- John Maxwell
If you are willing to change your thinking, you can change your feelings.
- John Maxwell
I remember looking at myself in the mirror one morning and thinking, I am not a handsome guy. What am I going to do with a face like this? Then I smiled. And I thought, That helps.
- John Maxwell
Every day I read, write, think, ask questions, and file what I learn. These are the five disciplines I practice to keep improving.
- John Maxwell
Remind yourself that leadership is a privilege and responsibility more than anything else.
- John Maxwell
Remember that success is just 15 percent product knowledge and it's 85 percent people knowledge.
- John Maxwell
Where trust is absent, leadership falters.
- John Maxwell
Am I adding value to people?
- John Maxwell
It's not what you do that matters as much as what God does through you.
- John Maxwell
The larger the group, the simpler the communication needs to be.
- John Maxwell