Quotes from John Maxwell
people who are busy rowing seldom have time to rock the boat.
- John Maxwell
The problems around us are not as crucial as the people.
- John Maxwell
Think about a rubber band. It is totally useless unless it is stretched. When insecurity keeps us from stretching and growing, we end up with a life that is as unexciting and useless as a limp rubber band. Confidence
- John Maxwell
You can't change yesterday. You can't control tomorrow. But you can choose what you do today with the goal that those choices will make things better tomorrow.
- John Maxwell
Successful people are good in four areas: relationships, equipping, attitude, and leadership. Those
- John Maxwell
The key to developing charisma: Be more concerned about making others feel good about themselves than you are in making them feel good about you.
- John Maxwell
adding value to them.
- John Maxwell
you have dreams, goals, or aspirations, you need to grow to achieve them. But if you're like I was—and if you're like most people—you have one or more mistaken beliefs that create a gap that
- John Maxwell
- John Maxwell
Poet and novelist James Joyce said, "Your mind will give back to you exactly what you put into it." The greatest enemy of good thinking is busyness. And middle leaders are usually the busiest people in an organization.
- John Maxwell
To be significant, all you have to do is make a difference with others wherever you are, with whatever you have, day by day.
- John Maxwell
if you have to convince them to see the vision, you will have to convince them to take action.
- John Maxwell