Quotes from John Maxwell
If you want to win over another person, first win his heart, and the rest of him is likely to follow.
- John Maxwell
distinct vision, a precise plan, plenty of resources, and incredible leadership, but if you don't have the right people, you're not going to get anywhere.
- John Maxwell
Life lived for tomorrow will always be a day away from being realized.
- John Maxwell
people with charisma possess an outward focus instead of an inward one. They pay attention to other people, and they desire to add value to them.
- John Maxwell
be sure your communication goes beyond words. How can you do that? By connecting on four levels: visually, intellectually, emotionally, and verbally.
- John Maxwell
There is no achievement without failure.
- John Maxwell
Followers tell you what you want to hear. Leaders tell you what you need to hear.
- John Maxwell
how we view a person is reflected by how we treat a person.
- John Maxwell
Each day is an unrepeatable miracle. Today will never happen again, so we must make it count.
- John Maxwell
When it comes to identifying a real leader, that task can be much easier. Don't listen to the claims of the person professing to be the leader. Don't examine his credentials. Don't check his title. Check his influence. The proof of leadership is found in the followers.
- John Maxwell
When you like people and treat them like individuals who have value, you begin to develop influence with them. You develop trust.
- John Maxwell
The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance. It is the illusion of knowledge.
- John Maxwell