Quotes from John Maxwell
If you know who you are, make the changes you must in order to learn and grow, and then give everything you've got to your dreams, you can achieve anything your heart desires.
- John Maxwell
5. Each person's leadership is best exercised in his or her area of giftedness (v. 31). When we discover our gifts, we will naturally lead in those areas where we are most productive, intuitive, comfortable, influential, and satisfied.
- John Maxwell
Past hurts can make you bitter or better—the choice is yours.
- John Maxwell
Any married man should forget his mistakes—there's no use in two people remembering the same thing.
- John Maxwell
Don't worry about making friends; don't worry about making enemies. Worry about winning, because if you win, your enemies can't hurt you, and if you lose, your friends can't stand you.
- John Maxwell
Every successful person is someone who failed, yet never regarded himself as a failure.
- John Maxwell
experience alone does not add value to a life. It's not necessarily experience that is valuable; it's the insight people gain because of their experience. Reflective
- John Maxwell
Connectors create an experience everyone enjoys.
- John Maxwell
INTEGRITY—Did I do my best? EXPECTATION—Did I please my sponsor? RELEVANCE—Did I understand and relate to the audience? VALUE—Did I add value to the people? APPLICATION—Did I give people a game plan? CHANGE—Did I make a difference?
- John Maxwell
What's the key to relating to others? It's putting yourself in someone else's place instead of putting them in their place.
- John Maxwell
Your mind will give back to you exactly what you put into it.
- John Maxwell
communication comes from the Latin word communis, meaning "common.
- John Maxwell