Quotes from John Maxwell
Now therefore, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be a special treasure to Me above all people; for all the earth is Mine. 'And you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.
- John Maxwell
Successful people do daily what unsuccessful people do occasionally. They practice daily disciplines. They implement systems for their personal growth. They make it a habit to maintain a positive attitude. At the very least, these things keep their personal momentum going. At their very best, they make every day a masterpiece.
- John Maxwell
Success leads to the greatest failure, which is pride. Failure leads to the greatest success, which is humility and learning.
- John Maxwell
People don't learn from people they don't value.
- John Maxwell
I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content.
- John Maxwell
Shakespeare said, "He is not worthy of the honeycomb that shuns the hive because the bees have stings." Don't let your fear keep you from taking small steps in your development. You never know where they might lead.
- John Maxwell
If everyone doesn't pay the price to win, then everyone will pay the price by losing.
- John Maxwell
Perhaps we have become too analytical to take decisive action. We may be spending too much time studying our problems and not enough time solving them.
- John Maxwell
The mark of someone with potential to grow is openness to the process. When you look at people who are eager to learn more, you can bet they are on the right track. And when you talk to people who just don't want any more instruction, then they have pretty much hit the wall. They are done.
- John Maxwell
Most people want to feel a part of the experience
- John Maxwell
Make developing leaders a priority. It will require you to shift from doing to developing. It will require you to believe in people. And it will require you to share the load. Leadership is the art of helping people change from who they're thought to be to who they ought to be.
- John Maxwell
Choose to be responsible for how you view your circumstances.
- John Maxwell