Quotes from John Maxwell
What can I say to get others involved around the table? How can I draw them in?
- John Maxwell
Don't see change as something hurtful that must be done—see it as something helpful that can be done.
- John Maxwell
Remember that the best leader should be responsible for hiring other leaders.
- John Maxwell
Don't avoid paying the immediate price of change—if you do, you will pay the ultimate price of never improving.
- John Maxwell
How does a person become productive? Find your strength and then find someone who needs your strength.
- John Maxwell
Questions + Listening = Quality Conversation. Quality Conversation = Quality Leadership.
- John Maxwell
Everyone is important, but everyone isn't equal. The person with greater experience, skill, and productivity in a given area is more important to the team in that area.
- John Maxwell
It's been said that great people talk about ideas, average people talk about themselves, and small people talk about others. That's what gossip does. It makes people small. There really is no upside to gossip. It diminishes the person being talked about. It diminishes the person who is saying unkind things about others, and it even diminishes the listener. That's why you should avoid not only spreading gossip but also being a recipient of it.
- John Maxwell
Create memories.
- John Maxwell
There are two things that are most difficult to get people to do: to think, and to do things in order of importance."
- John Maxwell
Leaders have to grow into their roles, and if the role becomes more demanding, the leader has to keep growing. Leadership is never a right. It's a privilege and a responsibility. But it's one that is open to anyone who's willing to work hard enough to get it.
- John Maxwell
Jesuit theologian Pierre Teilhard de Chardin said, "The most satisfying thing in life is to have been able to give a large part of one's self to others." Anyone who has unselfishly helped another person knows this to be true.
- John Maxwell