Quotes from John Maxwell
If you should observe an occasion to give your officers and friends a little more praise than is their due, and confess more fault than you justly be charged with, you will only become the sooner for it, a great captain. Criticizing and censuring almost everyone you have to do with, will diminish friends, increase enemies, and hereby hurt you affairs.
- John Maxwell
Before you attempt to set things right, make sure you see things right.
- John Maxwell
A dream is an inspiring picture of the future that energizes your mind, will, and emotions, empowering you to do everything you can to achieve it.
- John Maxwell
The first definition of planning that I ever learned was this: planning is predetermining tomorrow's results today.
- John Maxwell
I will never surrender to discouragement or despair no matter what seeming obstacles may confront me.
- John Maxwell
Limit the effect of any emotional high or low to the twenty-four-hour period that follows the occurrence.
- John Maxwell
There is definitely a correlation between family success and personal success. Not only does building a strong family lay the groundwork for future success, but it also gives life deeper meaning.
- John Maxwell
Behavior that is rewarded is behavior that will continue.
- John Maxwell
Leaders are effective because of who they are on the inside—in the qualities that make them up as people. And to go to the highest level of leadership, people have to develop these traits from the inside out.
- John Maxwell
People cannot perform in a way inconsistent with the way they see themselves.
- John Maxwell
Prioritize the things that yield high return. What's the key to being productive? Prioritizing. To be an effective leader, you must learn to not only get a lot done, but to get a lot of the right things done. That means understanding how to prioritize time, tasks, resources, and even people. Effective prioritizing begins with eliminating the things you shouldn't be doing.
- John Maxwell
Leading with a lack of integrity is choosing to fail before taking your first step."
- John Maxwell