Quotes from Ray Comfort
When a sinner understands the horrific consequences of breaking the Law of God, he will flee to the Savior, solely to escape the wrath that is to come.
- Ray Comfort
When the gospel is preached, there will be true and false conversions.
- Ray Comfort
The Bible says that it is through the fear of the Lord that men depart from sin (Proverbs 16:6). If they don't fear God, they will be complacent about their eternal salvation (Matthew 10:28).
- Ray Comfort
When the biblical premise of man being evil by nature is forsaken, society begins to believe that a criminal isn't really responsible for his crimes. People believe instead that societal conditions and life's circumstances are responsible, so the criminal gets a slap on the hand for violent crime since evil is no longer called evil. The lawbreaker is deemed rather to be sick or insane, and he receives rehabilitative treatment rather than punishment.
- Ray Comfort
It is the false convert who is like a dog that returns to his vomit and the pig who goes back to the mire. A genuine convert would rather die than despise the Spirit of grace and trample the blood of Christ under his feet. 3:21 See Psalm 50:22-23.
- Ray Comfort
justice. Can you imagine how wicked society would be if the fear of God and the fear of civil law were completely removed? Imagine how our culture would be if a man could rape and murder with no concern about being punished in the slightest. A scenario like that would reveal to everyone the true heart of humanity.
- Ray Comfort
What motivates us more: the fear of man or the fear of God? If we fear man more than we fear God, then we don't see God in truth. We see the Lord as less than a man—and this is proven by whose will we obey. A. W. Tozer said, "An idol of the mind is as offensive to God as an idol of the hand.
- Ray Comfort
To convince the world of the truth of Christianity, it must first be convinced of sin. It is only sin that renders Christ intelligible." Andrew Murray, The Spirit of Christ
- Ray Comfort
The Holy Spirit convicts us ... He shows us the Ten Commandments; the Law is the schoolmaster that leads us to Christ. We look in the mirror of the Ten Commandments, and we see ourselves in that mirror. AMERICAN EVANGELIST BORN 1918 IN NORTH CAROLINA
- Ray Comfort
The true function of the Law is to accuse and to kill; but the function of the gospel is to make alive. 1483-1546 GFRMAN PRIFST WHO FOUNDED THE LUTHERAN CHURCH
- Ray Comfort
I am surprised that anyone can profess to be an atheist.
- Ray Comfort
The friendly preacher who fails to warn of the reality of Hell, betrays the Son of God with a kiss.
- Ray Comfort