Quotes from Cicero
We are obliged to respect, defend and maintain the common bonds of union and fellowship that exist among all members of the human race.
- Cicero
We do not destroy religion by destroying superstition.
- Cicero
What a time! What a civilization!
- Cicero
What we call pleasure, and rightly so is the absence of all pain.
- Cicero
Whatever that be which thinks, understands, wills, and acts. it is something celestial and divine.
- Cicero
Nothing is more noble, nothing more venerable than fidelity. Faithfulness and truth are the most sacred excellences and endowments of the human mind.
- Cicero
Leisure consists in all those virtuous activities by which a man grows morally, intellectually, and spiritually. It is that which makes a life worth living.
- Cicero
Advice is judged by results, not by intentions.
- Cicero
It shows a brave and resolute spirit not to be agitated in exciting circumstances.
- Cicero
Death approaches, which is always impending like the stone over Tantalus: then comes superstition with which he who is imbued can never have peace of mind.
- Cicero
Like associates with like.
- Cicero
I add this, that rational ability without education has oftener raised man to glory and virtue, than education without natural ability.
- Cicero