Quotes from Henry David Thoreau
The bad are frequently good enough to let you see how bad they are, but the good as frequently endeavor to get between you and themselves.
- Henry David Thoreau
Begin where you are and such as you are, without aiming mainly to become of more worth, and with kindness aforethought, go about doing good.
- Henry David Thoreau
All good things are cheap: all bad are very dear.
- Henry David Thoreau
It is impossible to give a soldier a good education without making him a deserter. His natural foe is the government that drills him.
- Henry David Thoreau
Government never furthered any enterprise but by the alacrity with which it got out of its way.
- Henry David Thoreau
Write while the heat is in you.
- Henry David Thoreau
I have great faith in a seed.
- Henry David Thoreau
I have a great deal of company in the house, especially in the morning when nobody calls.
- Henry David Thoreau
Remember that the smallest seed of faith is of more worth than the largest fruit of happiness.
- Henry David Thoreau
Man is the artificer of his own happiness.
- Henry David Thoreau
The biggest happiness is when at the end of the year you feel better than at the beginning
- Henry David Thoreau
I am too easily contented with a slight and almost animal happiness. My happiness is a good deal like that of the woodchucks.
- Henry David Thoreau