Quotes from Leonard Sweet
Authentic evangelism is lifting up the veil of what God is up to and manifesting the image of God in the world we are in.
- Leonard Sweet
We don't preach the Scriptures; we let the Scriptures preach through us as they point to Christ.
- Leonard Sweet
The end product of biblical Christianity is a person—not a book, not a building, not a set of principles or a system of ethics—but one person in two natures (divine/human) with four ministries (prophet/priest/king/sage) and four biographies (the Gospels). But those four biographies don't tell the whole story. Every bit of Scripture is part of the same great story of that one person and that one story's plotline of creation, revelation, redemption, and consummation.
- Leonard Sweet
The kingdom of God is not a geographic domain with set boundaries and settled decrees, but a set of relationships in which Christ is sovereign. At the table, Jesus moves us from ideas about life and love to actual living and loving. Martin Luther was right. Theology is table talk.[38] Jesus didn't sell the food of his Father. He issued invitations to the table. In fact, Jesus' favorite image for the kingdom of God is a banquet where everyone is sitting around a table.
- Leonard Sweet
Jesus Christ is the rest of God. He is, as N. T. Wright has put it, "the fulfillment of the sabbath."114 By taking Christ as our rest, we cease from our labors just as God did from His.115 Christianity, therefore, begins not with a do, but with a done—"It is finished!"116 We enter into God's rest, and we labor from there.
- Leonard Sweet
If you aren't smelling awful smells sometimes, then you're not where Jesus is.
- Leonard Sweet
Disciples of Jesus do not mimic Jesus; we manifest him. We are personators of Christ, not impersonators. Christ's presence in our lives is more "thereness" than "likeness," more "withness" than "whatness." Jesus made our creation in the imago Dei more "spit" than "image" (as in "spit 'n' image").
- Leonard Sweet
Scholar George Myerson has recently written a study of happiness. After 250 pages tracking moments of joy throughout history, he concludes that humans are happiest hanging with friends, gathered around tables with good food and conversation and laughter. If you can get that table out of doors, so the sun can kiss the skin—if as you dine together you can also provide help for others—then, according to Myerson, you've won the lottery of life.[36]
- Leonard Sweet
Christians have become passive spectators in worship rather than active participants. By and large, we come to church to "watch the show" rather than to engage and participate.
- Leonard Sweet
If you've never bled, you have no material for preaching. If when you're finished preaching you're not finished, spent, wiped out — if you haven't "given blood" — you haven't really preached.9
- Leonard Sweet
Twenty-first-century people hear and learn differently than most churches communicate.
- Leonard Sweet
You are what you pay attention to. No attention, no life. Everything comes to life when you pay attention to
- Leonard Sweet