Quotes from Leonard Sweet
What you do is your history. What you set in motion is your legacy.
- Leonard Sweet
To imagine things other than they are is the essence of hope. It is also the stuff of revolution.
- Leonard Sweet
When I was learned, knowledge was everything. Now that I'm a learner, kindness is everything.
- Leonard Sweet
The greater the amount of knowledge you accumulate, the bigger your island gets, but the greater the shoreline of the unknown becomes. In short, the more you know, the more you know you don't know.
- Leonard Sweet
The true leader makes each team member twice the person they were before.
- Leonard Sweet
I only want to write one thing over the doorpost to my heart and life: "Jesus Christ lives here.
- Leonard Sweet
Jesus called his disciples to "follow me," but he didn't tell them where they were going.
- Leonard Sweet
Philip Yancey was dead-on when he said that some Christians get very angry toward other Christians who sin differently than they do.79
- Leonard Sweet
Believe me, you have too many practices already. What is needed is rather a progressive inner simplification. Too many people identify spiritual prowess with being perpetually busy heaping meditation upon meditation, prayer upon prayer, reading upon reading instead of learning from the simple souls the great secret of knowing how, from time to time, to hold yourself back a little in peace and silence, attentive before God.5
- Leonard Sweet
The devil ought not to be in our line of vision but in our shadow.
- Leonard Sweet
The church needs to be so clear about its identity as the body of Christ that everything it does generates a gravitational pull toward the heart.
- Leonard Sweet
disciples are not copiers of Christ but continuing incarnations of Jesus' life and love.
- Leonard Sweet