Quotes from Tracie Peterson
as he grew older trust came harder. Ma had said that was Satan's way of trying to wiggle into a young Christian's heart. Satan liked to attack before a fellow could make his faith strong enough to stand the tests of life. That was why God gave children God-fearing parents and other adults of Christian faith. "Those who have fought the good fight for longer in life are able to pray and encourage those who are weak
- Tracie Peterson
She didn't want to. She loved you. She loves you now. Yes, she hurt you and she made a terrible mistake in leaving you. But your father made mistakes, too, and you will, as well. We all make bad choices - decisions that would better be left to rot in the bottom of the barrel. But we can't undo them. We can only move forward.
- Tracie Peterson
So tell me more about Miss Hannah. Is she your gal?" Tyler asked. "Hardly. She's no one's gal that I can see. She's her own woman through and through." Tyler laughed. "I haven't seen anyone so pretty since leavin' to join up.
- Tracie Peterson
Remember what Ephesians six says. 'For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.' This battle is beyond you and can only be won with Christ.
- Tracie Peterson
that walking with Jesus is a lifelong journey. You don't see or understand everything at once. It comes in steps along the way.
- Tracie Peterson
The Platte River offered them a constant source of refreshing water
- Tracie Peterson
Perhaps this is what it was all about. Leaning on God when life made no sense, as well as when the answers seem clear.
- Tracie Peterson
Instead of asking Him to remember you, why not pray to find comfort and value where He has taken you.
- Tracie Peterson
Often admitting our weakness and fear is the first step to finding rest in God. Our trust in Him isn't conveyed though superhuman confidence as much as it comes in the way of childlike reliance on Him.
- Tracie Peterson
love isn't about living in fear. It's not about controlling the hearts of those around you. It is patient and kind. It endures and believes the very best. It never gives up.
- Tracie Peterson
Just remember, forgiveness is a way of setting yourself free of the bondage put on you by others. There is liberty to he had in it.
- Tracie Peterson
I can tell you what women need in general. They need respect and love. They need to be able to trust your word and to be able to confide in you. So often, we can't care for ourselves in this world, so we need protection and provision.
- Tracie Peterson