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Quotes from Jesse Lee Peterson

What I discovered is that when God took the anger out of my heart, He also took the fear. I know that telling the truth makes enemies, but my message is right and just, and I have no desire to modify it to please others.
- Jesse Lee Peterson
Why then does the civil rights establishment avoid addressing the real problems causing black suffering? Because deep down, they are more angry at white people than they are in love with black people.
- Jesse Lee Peterson
the solution to America's race problem—a problem analyzed and discussed for decades by armies of sociologists, politicians and activists—is internal, not external. It is inward, not outward; personal, not social; individual, not political.
- Jesse Lee Peterson
The truth is, as an adult, I've experienced more racism from other black people than I have from white people. I've been hated because, as a black man, I love America, and am reluctant to criticize it. Since blacks are taught by their leaders and communities to hate whites and be angry at the United States, anything except the typical condemnations of whites and this country is offensive to them.
- Jesse Lee Peterson
Gratefulness for being an American will give calm and peace to anyone. Our good fortune to be born on this soil, or to have emigrated here, is something we should regularly dwell on, and openly thank God for.
- Jesse Lee Peterson
The truly masculine man is one who loves what is right. The masculine man loves truth more than anything else. He is not ego-driven, he is driven by what is right. He is not ruled by his desire for sex, but he is ruled by his desire to honor God. He looks to God to guide him, and to the true knowledge he has about himself. He does not rely on women for approval and satisfaction.
- Jesse Lee Peterson
The logic against them could not be more elementary. First, the unborn entity is an actual being, it is alive. If this were not so, there would be no need for an abortion. The very purpose of the abortion is to kill that which is alive. Second, this being is human. What else could it be? Feline? Canine? Bovine? As Congressman Henry Hyde once quipped, "No woman has ever given birth to a Golden Retriever." Human beings give birth to human beings.
- Jesse Lee Peterson
It is disingenuous to claim that a fetus is not a definite, living human being. Those who have seen ultrasound images of pre-born babies have eyewitness, empirical evidence of the unborns' living humanity.
- Jesse Lee Peterson
But when you see yourself as an individual first, you are freed to think for yourself, and you become internally self-sufficient. You start to break free from the bonds of racial conformity, and you start to see the good and bad in everyone, irrespective of their color. You start to be less angry, and as you let go of anger you are empowered to love God, your family, and your country.
- Jesse Lee Peterson
It's abnormal for any man to have a leader other than God and Christ.
- Jesse Lee Peterson
There's no such thing as racism, sexism, 'homophobi-ism,' 'Islamophobi-ism' - it's good versus evil, right versus wrong.
- Jesse Lee Peterson
Republicans have to tell the truth about the issues impacting the black community. The must focus on restoring the black family, jobs, safe communities, and better schools. They have to make sure not to pander to blacks by treating them like victims or as 'special minority' group.
- Jesse Lee Peterson