Quotes from Jesse Lee Peterson
The Left wants to silence conservative Christians in the media and in the political square.
- Jesse Lee Peterson
Neither the SPLC, the liberal media, nor the Democratic Party has any authority on what constitutes 'hate.' They themselves are full of lies and hatred. They have no love.
- Jesse Lee Peterson
When I worked picking cotton as a boy with my grandparents, when blacks were moral and hard-working, we loved the country, too. It only makes sense to love the place where you were born - especially the United States of America. But as blacks fell for the lies of socialism and communism, they also fell away from love.
- Jesse Lee Peterson
I have noticed that no other group of people in the United States truly loves America as a whole like white people do.
- Jesse Lee Peterson
Real men are almost nowhere to be found in the black community; fatherlessness is the norm, and godlessness has taken over black churches.
- Jesse Lee Peterson
The Obamacare roll-out was an epic failure.
- Jesse Lee Peterson
Men with anger do not know how to deal with unreasonable, pushy people, particularly women.
- Jesse Lee Peterson
We need all races of men, and decent women, to stand up for what's right, drop anger, and live upright.
- Jesse Lee Peterson
If it weren't for the likes of Sharpton, Jackson, the Congressional Black Caucus, Barack Obama, and the NAACP, racial strife in America would be a distant memory.
- Jesse Lee Peterson
Men and women of character raise strong children who are not easily influenced by the media, corrupt schools, bad friends, and the outside world.
- Jesse Lee Peterson
We get what we deserve in life, and the challenges and evils that come are opportunities to overcome.
- Jesse Lee Peterson
Good men stand against evil and overcome it, in their private lives and in their communities.
- Jesse Lee Peterson