Quotes from Jesse Lee Peterson
You cannot be a Christian and support the Democrat Party.
- Jesse Lee Peterson
The Democratic Party is evil.
- Jesse Lee Peterson
If men do not return to God, evil will destroy us.
- Jesse Lee Peterson
The Democrats are evil, and they crave power. They're willing to destroy any decent man or woman to attain it.
- Jesse Lee Peterson
But the politically-incorrect truth is that racism today is a state of mind, more than a social reality.
- Jesse Lee Peterson
Oh yes, it exists, and the news media is always quick to highlight examples of anti-black racial hostility, but it is not the all-powerful, institutional beast so many say it is. But once people believe racism is their main problem, they become subject to that idea, and it prevents them from progressing.
- Jesse Lee Peterson
It is one of the great ironies of our time that those who pass for "black leaders" are so vocal about every perceived racial slight, and yet are not only silent—but even supportive—of the most overt and destructive attack on black Americans: abortion on demand.
- Jesse Lee Peterson
T]oday some people continue to view themselves as victims because of the historical suffering of their group and because it is easy and comforting to do so. And this renders happiness virtually impossible. First…perceiving yourself as a victim makes you unhappy. Second, it makes you permanently angry, which further guarantees unhappiness. Third, it enables you to avoid confronting whatever it is that is really making you unhappy.
- Jesse Lee Peterson
But, in fact, because of so many black peoples' unthinking allegiance to the Democratic Party (which is absolutist on abortion and does not permit serious expressions of pro-life sentiment), black people fail to recognize the clear similarity between their history and the plight of the pre-born today, and are some of the most ardent supporters of abortion on demand.
- Jesse Lee Peterson
The great irony, rarely recognized, is that abortion in America was initially conceived and advocated for the purpose of reducing the black population. Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood and one of the champions of the abortion rights movement, was an unapologetic eugenicist and a racist, and wanted minorities and the poor to have abortions.
- Jesse Lee Peterson
Abortion was seen by her as a way of "improving" the population. She did not intend its widespread use among whites, and is famous for her slogan "More [children] from the fit, and less from the unfit." Who are the unfit? The black poor.
- Jesse Lee Peterson
The undiscussed truth is that Planned Parenthood still operates in line with these ideas today. Planned Parenthood clinics—and abortion clinics generally—are frequently located in inner city areas where they can prey on poor minority women, and receive public funds for doing so.
- Jesse Lee Peterson