Quotes from Jesse Lee Peterson
Men, it's okay to be a man!
- Jesse Lee Peterson
Women need men to be strong, just as Christ is strong for men.
- Jesse Lee Peterson
Men need to learn how to deal with women with strength and patience - this is love.
- Jesse Lee Peterson
Homosexuality is not about love, it's not about family, and it's not about civil rights.
- Jesse Lee Peterson
Liberals cannot win in the battle of ideas, so they resort to banning or suppressing ideas they don't like.
- Jesse Lee Peterson
Kids have anger, emotional, drug, and authority problems because they come from broken homes or homes that have been filled with violence. They have come from homes without a father and with a mother who is often angry at all men because she was abandoned by her man.
- Jesse Lee Peterson
The lack of moral character is the number one problem in the black community today
- Jesse Lee Peterson
LAZY AND IRRESPONSIBLE This isn't a politically correct position to have, but I'm convinced that the lack of moral character in many black men is the primary cause of the breakdown of the black family, high crime rates, domestic violence, and other social problems within the black community.
- Jesse Lee Peterson
I can say with confidence that many black males are both lazy and irresponsible. This view isn't popular with problem profiteers.
- Jesse Lee Peterson
Black women are acting irresponsibly by giving birth to baby after baby out of wedlock. Most of these children are from different fathers as well.
- Jesse Lee Peterson
Ebonics is not a separate language. It is ghetto speech and substandard English. To claim that ebonics is a positive way of communicating for blacks is to condemn blacks to menial jobs and economic inferiority. A person who fails to learn correct language skills is forever handicapped in seeking employment.
- Jesse Lee Peterson
I prefer to heed the wise words of Booker T. Washington: I would permit no man to drag down my soul by making me hate him.
- Jesse Lee Peterson